A Mother !

Well I’m not use to this or good at writing but someone said it a good outlet. I am 33 year old single woman who is currently lost I feel. See I lost my mother suddenly last year when I mean suddenly I mean I saw her greeted her kissed her when she sent me off to work and 3and half hours later she landed in hospital and passed away. My father was ill and everyone thought it was him ho passed on that’s how sudden my mom’s death was, felt like my whole world was crumbling down and to me it was because the woman who did everything not just for me but entire family is gone. Even though I am the 2nd youngest I had to step up. Brother was getting married dad wasn’t well so much things were going on I didn’t have to deal much with my emotions. This is silly but my mom had better fashion sense than me lol, I went material shopping with the bride to be and her mother I had to get this sandy color material and I asked this man to help me and he send me to a pile of material with different yellows, golds and other types of colors I stood there tried calling my sister no answer and then I burst into tears cause I missed my mom so much she would have known what color to take I felt so alone, the brides mother comforted me I was so grateful for that. Wedding done and dusted. Tears were shed because the heart was missing from our family I feel on the wedding day. After the wedding is when I felt the sadness I was someone who just worked came home and was in my room watched TV basically my sister too and my dad was mostly outgoing seeing people giving advice so hardly home but when he got sick he said we hardly speak to him we not exactly the cuddly family type but our house felt empty not like a home should feel, then I realized my mom filled every space in the house whether she sat by you for five minutes you never felt bored or alone. So those who have your mother’s don’t take them for granted cause God can take her anytime. Trust me that saying is true, A house is not a home if there is no mother well for me it’s true. I love and miss you mom.